Miami panel discussion to share case study of small-site design and construction, May 18 at 8 AM

30,000 last week!  From ULI South Florida/Caribbean: "The classic description of urban infill involves multi-story, mixed-use abutting buildings on constrained lots with no side setbacks.  National trends forecast more urban infill, but so far it's been scarce on the Miami scene - until recently with such projects as the Miami Culinary Institute.  Hear from the MCI project team - Miami Dade College, Atkins Architecture and Turner Construction - about the infill challenges, including contextual design, efficient circulation, stormwater management, subcontractor phasing and many more." Panelists will be: Carlos Dougnac, Associate Vice Provost, Facilities Design & Construction, Miami Dade College; Laurence Levis, Senior Group Manager, Architecture, Atkins; and Robert Leyva, Project Manager, and Greg Mahunik, Project Superintendent, Turner.  Event also includes light breakfast and tour of MCI.

When: Friday, May 18, 2012, 8-10am (8-8:30am registration and networking, 8:30-9:15am panel discussion, 9:15-9:30am Q&A, 9:30-10am tour).  Location: Miami Culinary Institute 415 NE 2 Ave, Miami, FL 33132.

Register today and tell your friends, limited to 50 people.  ULI members $20, non $30.  Sponsored by Miami Dade College, Turner Construction, and Atkins, with outreach partners AIA, APA, and Miami Urbanist.